PowerPlant Partners Announces George Birman as Principal and Logan Schwartz as VP

October 29, 2022


Pow­er­Plant Part­ners announced the expan­sion of their team with the recent hir­ing of George Bir­man as Prin­ci­pal. Bir­man joins Pow­er­Plant with years of invest­ing and oper­at­ing exper­tise in the con­sumer sec­tor, most recent­ly at Eurazeo, where he was a part of launch­ing and grow­ing an $800 mil­lion con­sumer growth equi­ty fund and led invest­ments in food, bev­er­age, beau­ty, and per­son­al care busi­ness­es. The firm also announced the recent pro­mo­tion of Logan Schwartz to VP.

To read the full press release, click here.

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