Mark Rampolla on our Rebrand to GroundForce Capital

August 1, 2023


I’m so excit­ed to announce a new chap­ter for our firm.

Pow­er­Plant Part­ners is now Ground­Force Cap­i­tal.

Here’s what this means for our team, founders, investors and we hope the world: 

When we found­ed Pow­er­Plant in 2015, we believed how we feed our­selves, and the resul­tant effect on the plan­et, was one of the most press­ing issues and great­est eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties of our time. 

With our ‘why’ clear, we decid­ed to hyper-focus on find­ing, fund­ing and scal­ing plant-cen­tric busi­ness as our ‘how’. We want­ed to bring life to the cen­ter of busi­ness, make a pos­i­tive impact on our plan­et and human­i­ty at large and gen­er­ate finan­cial returns as well.

We, along with many oth­ers (and we all stand on the shoul­ders of giants before us), helped take the plant-based move­ment main­stream and cre­ate a mar­ket that is expect­ed to be $100B by 2028. What­ev­er choic­es con­sumers make, few can now deny under­stand­ing that our indi­vid­ual choic­es around food affect all of our col­lec­tive well­ness. 

As Ground­Force, we now intend to widen our focus beyond plant-based com­pa­nies to include oth­er pri­mar­i­ly growth-stage com­pa­nies mak­ing a pos­i­tive impact on the health of peo­ple and our plan­et. 

Our ‘why’ remains the same. Though our ‘how’ has expand­ed in scope, we intend to bring the same lev­el of rig­or­ous dili­gence to select­ing the best entre­pre­neurs, teams and com­pa­nies. We’ll use an even deep­er net­work, plus our own exper­tise, to help these com­pa­nies scale their impact and win in the mar­ket­place. 

Our ‘who’ also gets stronger every day as we grow our pow­er­ful com­mu­ni­ty of extra­or­di­nary peo­ple chal­leng­ing and sup­port­ing each oth­er to achieve pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al results beyond our wildest dreams.

It’s an excit­ing time ahead for Ground­Force Cap­i­tal.

The oppor­tu­ni­ties to cre­ate val­ue and dri­ve impact have nev­er been greater.

We believe invest­ing should be a force for good and we’re com­mit­ted to do every­thing with­in our pow­er to prove that it can be.

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