Infant formula company Bobbie takes in $70M to acquire Nature’s One

July 12, 2023


Bob­bie, an organ­ic infant for­mu­la com­pa­ny, has acquired Nature’s One, a 26-year-old pedi­atric nutri­tion com­pa­ny, in a move that gives Bob­bie end-to-end con­trol over for­mu­la man­u­fac­tur­ing through a new facil­i­ty and triples the size of Bobbie’s oper­a­tions.

In addi­tion, the com­pa­ny closed on a $70 mil­lion Series C round of fund­ing to acquire Nature’s One. Modi did not dis­close the val­u­a­tion, but said it was an increase over its pre­vi­ous round. The new invest­ment was led by a $35 mil­lion infu­sion from Pow­er­Plant Part­ners, with par­tic­i­pa­tion from sev­er­al of Bobbie’s exist­ing investors. This now gives Bob­bie ven­ture-backed fund­ing total­ing $142 mil­lion raised to date.

Click here to read the full arti­cle.

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