Bobbie Launches Supplements and Expands Beyond Baby Formula

March 20, 2024


Bob­bie, the well-known baby for­mu­la brand, is step­ping into a new area of child health by intro­duc­ing two new sup­ple­ments, address­ing com­mon defi­cien­cies in chil­dren. These sup­ple­ments, a vit­a­min D option and a pro­bi­ot­ic blend, are designed as drops that can be eas­i­ly mixed into for­mu­la, mark­ing Bob­bie’s first prod­ucts beyond for­mu­la prod­ucts.

Despite being a new­er play­er in the mar­ket, Bob­bie has seen sig­nif­i­cant growth, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the 2022 infant for­mu­la short­age, lead­ing to a tem­po­rary halt in new sub­scrip­tions due to over­whelm­ing demand. Bob­bie aims to fill gaps in parental edu­ca­tion and sup­port by offer­ing tar­get­ed prod­ucts and cam­paigns, like its col­lab­o­ra­tion with Elvie pro­mot­ing “com­bo feed­ing.”

With plans to pro­vide acces­si­ble and infor­ma­tive con­tent, Bob­bie is com­mit­ted to empow­er­ing par­ents through their unique feed­ing jour­ney, reflect­ing their mis­sion to sup­port parental con­fi­dence and choic­es.

For now, the sup­ple­ments are only avail­able through Bobbie’s direct-to-con­sumer web­site. Tar­get also car­ries Bobbie’s for­mu­la.

Read the full arti­cle here.

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